Friday, January 18, 2013

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Puffy Stickers have a few Suprises !!!

When TSR let LJN start merchandising the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons line, in 1983 we got PUFFY STICKERS !!!! Who doesn't love puffy stickers !?!?!?

We got a couple of regulars to the toy line, Zarak and Ogre King.

Here's where it gets interesting !  Here we have Charmay Good Enchantress and Caruso Good Half Elf. Do we have here a couple of unproduced figures ? Or do we have the precursor to Mercion and Melf/Peralay ?

Of course, there's always Strongheart standing guard !!

I love the feel of puffy stickers !! These are great and I think I had all of these as a kid. Who didn't have piles of stickers on their Trapper Keepers and had them incorporated on their brown paper bag book covers !?!?! I know I had em !!


  1. Puffy Stickers! Ah the memories of these and those "Scratch-N-Stiff" ones.

    1. Yes, Scratch and Sniff !! I still think my love of things flavored Banana comes from smelling those stickers !! :)

  2. Replies
    1. No prob, there are 5 more sets of these I'll have to track down :) and Thank you for reading !!

  3. Hi Michael...You are correct with your first question...They ARE unproduced figures. LJN planned to make many more Dungeons & Dragons figures, but sales weren't good enough to continue the line. The other puffy stickers (as well as the story books and coloring books by Marvel Books) have even more characters, like Skylla the evil female wizard (who almost became a figure, although she did get a mini-figure), Garn Grey Gaze the gnome illusionist, Helayne the evil female Illusionist, Figgen the good halfling thief, etc...

    1. The Ad&d line is so awesome, it truly is a shame that the line didnt continue longer than it did. They obviously had a lot of ideas that never seen the light of day. The bad publicity overshadowing the game back then didnt help sales of a toy Im sure, but its a shame for collectors now that there werent more releases.
