Thursday, June 7, 2012

TSR Dungeons and Dragons Red Box Basic rules set....where it all began !!

The little red box that made reading fun.....

D&D Dungeons Dragons Basic

The Dungeons and Dragons Basic Rules Set !! When my friends introduced D&D to me this was, of course, the first set I got. A trek to the Como Mall Waldenbooks (after I collected from my paper route to get some cash :) and I brought this home for study.

D&D Dungeons Dragons Basic

Books, dice...all in a box!

D&D Dungeons Dragons Basic

That cover art is EPIC !!

D&D Dungeons Dragons Basic

Even the back of the box brings it !!

D&D Dungeons Dragons Basic

I remember staring at these guys trying to decide which character to create first!

D&D Dungeons Dragons Basic


D&D Dungeons Dragons Basic

Maps and graph paper.....working in Engineering has me around alot of graph paper and because of this I have to control an urge to map out a quick dungeon on a stray piece !!!

D&D Dungeons Dragons Basic

I remember making my Dad take the character sheet to work and photocopy about a thousand of em !!

D&D Dungeons Dragons Basic

The power that only a DM can have !!!!!
I don't get to play much anymore but all this reminiscing is making me want to find out some players and get back in the saddle :)  I must enter that dungeon again !!!!