Monday, May 14, 2012

The League of Extraordinary Bloggers weekly Assignment: Confessions !!!

This weeks topic for the League of Extraordinary Bloggers :

What is something you absolutely hate or love or just don’t get, or maybe it’s something you have never even seen or read. What is your deepest, darkest geek confession?


Most Geeks can talk about Gaming. Call of Duty. Assassins Creed. Whatever else...

I have never played any of them.

I've got a PSP for playing madden (but finished Dungeons and Dragons Tactics - AWESOME GAME). After that, it's a C64 and a SNES player.

And BTW....I'm only interested with the Madden offseason so I can trade and build a team. Playing...meh......

I don't know what I'm missing but..... shooter games? I can go shoot my guns!
Guitar Hero? I'll pull out my Rickenbacker and play Rush!
Racing games? Hop into my Jeep Renegade and hit the trails!

Sorry if I offend. I don't mean to. I just don't get the fun.

Put in Archon! Tapper! M.U.L.E! (All time favorite) or go to an arcade for Star Trek TNG pinball!! Bubble Hockey! or Pull out a board game....Risk! Monopoly! Axis and Allies! PANDEMIC!!.....
Dungeon Delve anyone ??

and I liked the ending to LOST......

Head over to coolandcollected for more from the League !!
Never get to climax at thesurfingpizza !!
Either like em or dont at Flashlights are something to eat !!
Reveal it all at Tupas Treasures !!
Dress up your confessional at lifewithfandom !!
Put it all out there at thedorkhorde !!
LET EM LOOSE at randomtoyreviews !!
Theres a whole list at claymationwerewolf !!
Theres a whole list at michaelmays adventureblog !!
Whew!! theres alot of confessing over at themanwhostarestatoys !!