Friday, August 17, 2012

Mutt and Junkyard....GI JOE's gruesome twosome!!

GI Joe series three had some big hits...and Mutt was one of my favorites!! A cranky dog handler!! What kid couldn't find a spot for a guy like that!?!

 This guy came with some great gear too!! The silenced Mac-11 and night stick got used ALOT!!

The best memory I have of this guy is when the Joes captured Cobra Commander and stashed him away in my Headquarters Playset. Mutt and Junkyard were in charge of the prisoner. When the jailbreak came Mutt wasn't going to let CC go easily. At the end he hoisted Junkyard into the cell. When Major Bludd made his way into the cell block......there wasn't much to rescue except the helmet full of C-4. 

Good Boy!!!!