I am soooo excited to have these beauties!!! I got volumes 1 thru 5 and will be reading the heck out of these!!
Oh, you probably want to know what I'm talking about.....
This is SAVAGE SWORD of CONAN vol 1 from Dark Horse Books!!!!
This volume collects Conan's appearances in Savage Tales of Conan 1 thru 5 and Savage Sword of Conan (SSOC) issues 1 thru 10!!
I still remember the first time I read SSOC. I was in study hall and one guy had a few. He and his friends were talkin them up. I remember asking them about the mag and after a bit of reluctance on his part (I cant blame him, I had long hair, wore concert tees and a leather jacket everywhere and reeked of smoke) he let me read one........I WAS HOOKED!! I had a paper route at the time and every Saturday my Dad would take me to the SuperFlea in Depew (GEX for us old people) and I'd fly past the knives, swords and bongs and get right to the Queen City Comic stand. But after that experience I'd add SSOC to my loot along with GI JOE, Punisher, The Nam and the many others. I couldn't believe that so much could be packed into a wonderful black and white magazine!!
Beautiful art!!
Awesome action!!
and of course!!! The voluptuous WOMEN!!!
I started reading somewhere around issue 100 back then but I am so stoked to start at the beginning and relive these memories. Just flipping through it now I get such more appreciation for the art in this book. I cannot stress enough how much I will enjoy this journey!!