Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Playmobil Sheriff rides the range fully loaded!!

Its the Playmobil sheriff!! I loved this cowboy as a kid. He's the only Playmobil figure I had but I still had alot of adventures. I could swear that I got him as a Burger King premium, just the figure, cape, rifle and hat...maybe the horse. I cannot confirm that but I had him either way and ow that I scored this guy it really brings back the memories!!

This guy is ready to Ride The Range with his trusty steed!!

He comes equipped for action: Horse, cape, hat, rifle and a pistol with a HOLSTER!!!

If Ive said it once Ive said it a thousand times.....FIGURES THAT HAVE HOLSTERS FOR THEIR GUNS JUST AUTOMATICALLY RULE!!!!

Waste a bad guy with this hand!!

or this one!!!!

For a Plamobil figure he is ready for action!! This plastic killing machine will blast holes in any bad guy that comes his way!!! I've seen that there are some accessories that m missing like a knapsack and bridle for the horse....I'll be pickin them up too!! Cant have this guy out on the range without all he needs to survive !!!!