Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cobra Mercenary Major Bludd GI Joe's First Nightmare !!!

Been on a GI Joe kick lately as it was my all time favorite as a child and still is...

So, here is one of the Bad Guys .... MAJOR BLUDD.

Cobra Operative, published Poet...

....and a damn cool figure too!!

.....and clearly the right arm was armored because of the rocket launchers thrust trail, not a cybernetic arm like I have read a few places!! The gun doesn't stay there too well though.....

Anyway.....I had the Cobra, the Cobra Officer, Cobra Commander (Mickey Version) , but this guy was the first bad guy with a face and personality I could capture. Got him as a mail order when he was first offered, then for some reason, I felt the need to get him again carded and wound up having two. He wasn't a faceless minion, he was a Bad Guy, a personality, a wild card that could give the Joe's a challenge.

I even had him challenge Destro for the Baroness's attention .....and she liked it :)


  1. Bludd is a pretty cool character that really was under used in the cartoons i feel.

    1. Yeah they really featured Destro more than anything, but Bludd was left behind, white vest and all....

  2. Well at lest he made appearance on the Renegades Cartoon so he is not forgotten which is good. And i won't mention what happens to him in the Resolute mini-series.

    1. I havent seen the Renegades version yet...but I did see the Resolute series.....he had some time in the image/Devils Due comics, lost a hand too!

  3. I used to have him in a GI JOE wrestling kind of thing back when the four horsemen were popular. That straight arm metal clothesline was VICIOUS!

    1. HA! I pictured that right away! I almost started chanting "ECW! ECW! ECW!!!"
