Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Kenner's Darth Vader is a cut above......

Here it is......

The Man (mostly) in black......


OK I know.......everyone had it, has it, yawn........

Put it in perspective......

This is the plastic likeness of the Greatest Villian of all time. It has a light saber that can retract, they even made it taller than the rest of the figures for scale. It was made in 1977!! Cmon...this is THE action figure line that made everything else possible!! THIS IS THE FIRST ICONIC ACTION FIGURE MADE !!!  Its like having a historic statue in your a child!!!!!

.......My first Leia figure dropped and her head popped off, what did I do to make her "removable" head playworthy........Vader does have that lightsaber.............


  1. My Princess Leia lost her head too and i remember my grandfather using glue to put it back on which is something i totally forgot about until now.

    1. Its that thin neck! They couldve molded her like the first version of the Wonder Woman Comic Action Heroes figure....she looked like a Teamster!!

  2. I loved those lightsabers. They were cool. But I always lost mine. For me Leia kept her head, it was Bossak that lost his. I remember strapping a Boba Fett to a rubber band and sling shooting him across the room. He pretty much blew up.


    1. The first thing I did is clip off the tail that sticks out! Even as a kid I could see it as a Safety Hazard...remember the first thing Luke did when Ben gave him Vader's Saber? He pointed it at his head !!
