The Sideshow James Bond, OO7 figure from Dr. No. I'm not a big 12" figure fan but I'm a big Bond fan so lets check em out!
The box art is derived from the Cinema poster.
The figure displays nicely .
Alot of detail in the figure itself and the Tux is made very well.
He even comes with a bunch of accessories!
A shoulder holster, a Walther PPK, his beloved Beretta, 2 silencers and a stand come standard!
Oh yeah, he comes with a bottle of Vodka, a tumbler and a shaker! Talk about ready for action !
One complaint i have is that OO7's likeness comes off as a bit corpse like....
To me, the way they highlighted his face makes em look like he's in a coffin....
Overall its a nice figure. I got em cheap as chips so I'm not complaining but I wish the face was colored better. I cant bring myself to take him out of the box but when I finally do I'm sure I'll change my mind. I sure dig the pistols with silencers and the Vodka bottle takes the cake :)