Sunday, September 23, 2012

Remco has a Secret......Secret of the NINJA!!!!!

What???......Kobra Khan from from a previous post (click here) careful.....there are NINJA about!!!!

I warned him.....
Tread carefully around Ninja!!

In 1984, Remco, the AWESOME toy maker, put out the Secret of the Ninja line in response to the Ninjamania that captured America at the time. I had no idea these guys existed back then but thanks to John over at revengefromthecosmicark and his love of Remcos, I started trollin Ebay and came across this guy!! Picked him up for a reasonable price but alas no card :( Anyway as far as I can tell he is just a basic Ninja figure but just unbelievably awesome! I cannot for the life of me figure (pun intended) out why some figures slipped off my radar as a kid cause this line of Ninjas is the F'n bomb! Lets check em out....


Unmasked reveals an incredibly details visage!

This guy comes with removable mask and Ninjato.....
what the heck is Khan thinking now!??!?

Ninja are dangerous even without their weapons!!!!

For a figure that has a "Battlematic Action" he is pretty posable.

The usual lever in the back moves the sword up and down slicing opponents in half!!

Typical of Remco's of that era, the detail is exceptional!

I'm glad I came across this guy, cause the whole line looks like something worth collecting and researching. There seems to be about 10 or so figures in the line with several variants. Its pretty amazing that now pushing 40 I can find toys that I missed out on and collect em after the fact!