Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hasbro's Ric Flair with Flair Snare !!

Ric Flair.......Stylin and Profilin!!!!!!!!
In 1993, Hasbro' Series 6 produced not just an action figure....but an icon to all wrestling fans worldwide!!!
The Greatest Professional Wrestler to walk this planet captured in plastic!

Now I know the look on his face makes him look a bit insane, but this is one hell of a figure. Very detailed and well done. I absolutely LOVE the LJN wrestlers and had to settle for my own customized version of Flair back in the day. Flair didn't make it to the WWF til 1991 and the Big Rubber Wrestlers were but a memory by then....but at least we got this guy!
Oh, and yes, Ric Flair was my idol growing up. He is the Greatest Wrestler of all time.