Friday, February 8, 2013

The short lived Star Trek Next Generation Galoob Picard before he became a Playmate

Galoob was the first toy company to have the Star Trek Next Generation licence and released the TNG characters in plastic for the first time. Unfortunately, they seemed a bit stodgy. Captain Jean Luc Picard's figure is no exception.

Maybe its the card. I mean, it looks good. Cool picture of the Enterprise. It just gives off a "boring figure" vibe. I cant put my finger on it. Maybe its the color palette, maybe the picture of Picard, or the fact that the bubble looks like a coffin. I don't really know but I don't feel its display value.

The figure itself is nice. The face is spot on and the detail is exceptional. The uniform is a perfect likeness. The figure does look like he should be a Tin Soldier rather than an action figure.

The problem ? He's got a "dustbuster" phaser molded in his hand and the other is a fist. Definitely an "action" figure ! I do give points for the knee articulation. Not much else you could do with him, even though he comes with a strapped tricorder, there's no way he can use it.

Picard looks good on my wall, but I cant get too much into him. Galoob only lasted for two series as the ST:TNG toymaker before Playmates took over. Maybe Galoob captured the dull feel the first two seasons had a little too well. Anyway, I'm glad Playmates got a chance to put out their versions cause this one falls a bit flat.

You can check out my Playmates Locutus by Clicking Here. Its a lot more fun than this one !

Got something to add ? All are welcome to leave a comment !


  1. But it is 3 inches! That more than makes up for most anything!

  2. I remember seeing those at Grocery Stores instead of the normal toy aisles. In retrospect I think the first two seasons were the most exciting. Yes not polished, but lots more action.

    1. I agree that they were action packed, but the production gave off a blah feel. Thank God they changed it up in the third season !

  3. Not a bad figure but the phaser is molded into it's hand? Well I guess you would never lose it unless the whole figure got lost somehow lol.

    1. It's not horrible, the Playmates were better toys, I guess this gives me a statue kind of vibe. The phaser is molded, so I guess even if they are on a peaceful mission, they are ready for action !

  4. Galoob had some planned playsets that were never made. One was the Enterprise with a top that open up and had an action figure sized bridge. Strange looking. They also never made Wesley or the Romulan besides rare test shots. The Romulan had the red sash from The Neutral Zone episode. Funny how most of the Galoob figures gathered dust on shelves years after the line failed, until TNG became more popular. Then you had the early scalper/comic boook guy types pushing rare variants of Data and trying to say Tasha Yar was rare. Needless to say, the aliens shot up in value. I never saw the aliens in stores.

    1. There were some things in the works but it all reminds me of the Star Trek the Movie toys, cool but boring. The Data varients were based on Preliminary drawings and are a bit weird. The spotted one was based on him originally being an alien. I just prefer the Playmates line, they were more fun !

  5. I just recently purchases the Romulan...a bit much for a fig but it completes my collection. For some reason, I like the Galoob figures better. I guess its because I grew up with them.

    1. I can see that point. I was already at collector stage with the TNG line, Galoob and Playmates, so if you played with em you probably have a connection. I probabaly post and rave about figures here that some think are junk, but I have a connection :) Great point !

  6. Gallon Star Trek figures from 1988 rocked

  7. Gallon Star Trek figures from 1988 rocked
