Monday, October 8, 2012

The Voltron Robots win the WWF titles....and tragedy ensues!! THE WWE REPORT !!!!

As predicted in my last post about Voltron < CLICK HERE AND READ - VOLTRON > my son broke the Voltron Dairugger robot. Oh well......At least I got the post in with pictures :) I don't know what happened exactly ..... but I'm pretty sure it happened like this.......

.........and Go-Lion goes for the pin and its 1...2....3......!!!!!

The Voltron Robots are the new WWF Tag Team Champions!!!!!

But their celebration is short lived!! The Legion of Doom....Road Warriors Hawk and Animal, enraged by their lack of championship matches attack the newly crowned champions!!!

Dairugger's leg is broken by the vicious shot to the knee by Hawk....but Animal is setting up a table....

OH NO!!! Animal, showing an enormous feat of strength, is lifting Go-Lion on his shoulders,  and it looks like Hawk will deliver the flying clothesline......

.......right through the table!!!!!!!

The Road Warriors enjoy their hollow victory only for a few moments.....

...before the cavalry hits the ring !!!!!

The Rock is enraged by the actions of he L.O.D.!!!!
He vows revenge for his fallen friends.

If ya smeeeeellllllllllllll what the ROCK...... COOKIN !!!!!!

or maybe he just dropped it and the leg broke off..........


  1. Vince must be writing this stuff. There is no way Rock would befriend the Voltrons...

  2. Maybe they have a cameo on the upcoming gijoe movie.....
